The article provides an analysis of various points of view on the organisation of contact
work at university. The article presents the scientiăc, pedagogical and organisational
aspects of this notion. The text contains a description of various interpretations of
the “contact” concept in publications of Russian and foreign authors. The authors of
the article revealed the importance of psychological contact as a way of organising successful interpersonal interaction. In the structure of contact work, three components are distinguished: perceptual, communicative, and interactive components. The authors describe the results of the study on the organisation of contact work at university today and distinguish the following organisational forms of training: productive contact, standardised contact, and constrained contact. The authors conclude that the psychological characteristics of contact work at university are not sufăciently taken into account, and various forms of interaction between a teacher and students are distorted.
Key words: contact, contact work at university, interaction.
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