The article deals with the problem of globalisation and its features as an inevitable, contradictory, nonlinear process. Man, despite being the only intelligent creature on earth, has lost orientation in the globalising world, or rather faith in himself. The single information ʇeld and technical achievements entail transformations for which man was not prepared. Overcoming huge contradictions, each person has to ʇnd himself and his place in the world of globalisation and technological innovations. Through tolerant consciousness, humanity will be able to ʇnd the truth of its being and move to understanding of global changes in the modern world. High responsibility lies on each person for the effective approach to the diversity of the world, for the formation of the culture of peace that can lead to mutual agreement, humanistic understanding of reality. In this difʇcult situation, it is important to preserve spiritual purity, sustainable logical thinking to the changes of globalisation and remain true to yourself, in order to live your only life on earth with dignity.
Key words: globalisation, diplomacy, spiritual purity, man, world, contradiction,
tolerant consciousness, common understanding, effective approaches, process.
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