The history of the Far Eastern Governorship as a scientifi c problem can be
researched within the framework of various conceptions. We want to consider
this scientifi c problem through the prism of the “frontier” conception, and
also to supplement it with a system of conceptions related to the specifi cs of
functioning of empires and the neo-colonialism conception. The application
of the “frontier” conception to the analysis of the events of Russian domestic
and foreign policy in the Far East allows us to tie together all the events, as
well as draw a number of conclusions. The constant expansion of the territory
of the Russian Empire involved various methods of this policy. The creation
of the Far EasternGovernorship was the last attempt to apply the methods of
direct (military) inclusion of new territories into the empire, and the search
for an optimal variant of these relations. The inconsistency between these
methods and the new geopolitical situation in the world, the need to move
to the neo-colonial methods of infl uence in the region unite the internal and
external aspects of the Far Eastern policy of Nicholas II. The failure of the
Far Eastern policy based on the old methods explains the loss of interest in
the project of the Far Eastern Governorship after the Russo-Japanese War.
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