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Humanities and Science University Journal № 48 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Embodiment of Folk-song Material in the “Piano Suite on Inner Mongolia Folk-song Themes” by Sang Tong

Shao Yang
Price: 50 руб.
The paper deals with the principles of refl ecting the ethnic origin in the 
piano work of Sang Tong on the example of his “Piano Suite on Inner 
Mongolia Folk-song Themes”. Sang Tong is a well-known composer, 
theorist and teacher, an active public fi gure, a scientist who studies the 
problems of acoustics of national instruments. The article shows the desire 
of the composer to be much closer to the national spirit and color of music 
through the use of ethnic motifs. The analysis of the Suite allowed us to 
see peculiarities of the author’s transformation of the genre, thematic 
and structural elements common for Mongolian music. The paper reveals 
how the national sound environment, integrated into the techniques of 
Western European musical language, is accurately refl ected in the piano 
interpretation of the Suite.
Keywords: Sang Tong, melody, piano, national, suite, folk, scale.
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2016. 127 s.
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S. 98–100.
Price: 50 рублей
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