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Humanities and Science University Journal № 48 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

The Ethnocultural Rationale of the Identity of the Mode Acoustic Terms Used in the Treatises Lь-lь Hsinshu, Akhak kwebŏm, and Gakkaroku

S. B. Lupinos
Price: 50 руб.
When studying the mode acoustic system of the palace ritual music of 
medieval China, Korea, and Japan, one reveals the identity of the hiero-
glyphic terminology with that of the treatises Lь-lь Hsinshu (12th Cent), 
Akhak kwebŏm (15th Cent), Gakkaroku (17th Cent.) Basing on a number 
of approaches: the structured and systematicone, the historico-genetic 
one, and the typological one, the author identifi es a close functional 
relationship between the kinds of palace ritual music of the States of the 
Far Eastern cultural-historical region, the latter being often referred to 
as the “area of hieroglyphic culture”. They share a wide range of envi-
ronmental and economic activities based at the time of the appearance of 
those treatises on neo-Confucian ideology, which was a synthesis of the 
previous ideological beliefs and traditional model/traditional worldview 
(TMW/TWV).This fact explains the archetypical identity of the mode 
acoustical terminology of the treatises discussed here.
Keywords: East Asia historico-cultural region, palace ritual music culture, treatise 
literature, mode acoustic terminology. 
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Price: 50 рублей
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