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Humanities and Science University Journal № 48 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Parataxis as an integrant principle of Anton Bruckner’s phenomenon

V. P. Konnov
Price: 50 руб.
This paper is dedicated to one of the general principles of architectonics 
in symphonies by Anton Bruckner (1824–1896). Antithetical relation-
ships between simultaneous and successive constituents within the 
outward musical framework ensure the correlation between typological 
outlines of Bruckner’s symphonic dramaturgy and the composer’s life. 
Nevertheless, all the manifestations of the creative power and personal 
phenomenology of the composer were solidly integrated. This kind of 
harmonious unity was perceived by the contemporaries as mystery, and, 
consequently, led many researchers to numinous or esoteric scientifi c 
constructs.  In this paper the concept of Bruckner’s creative cosmos, 
embedded into the outline, which was put forward by the famous Aus-
trian musicologist and philologist Manfred Wagner, who defi ned the 
integrant principle of Anton Bruckner’s phenomenon by means of the 
“term” parataxis. This initiative is expanded here in perspectives of the 
research which were conventional for Anton Bruckner’s historiography: 
“Life and work” and “Two styles: symphonic and church”.
Keywords: architectonics of music, antithetical relationships of constituents within outward framework, correlation between symphonic dramaturgy and the composer’s 
life, numinous and esoteric scientifi c constructs, harmonious unity of creative cosmos.
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Anstalt vereinigt mit Schuster & Loeffl er, 1922. 234 S.
7. Eckstein F. Erinnerungen an Anton Bruckner. Von Friedrich Eckstein. Wien — 
New-York: Universal-Edition, 1923. 68 S.
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1980. 248 S.
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10. Hoffmann H. Raetselhafter Anton Bruckner. Schwarzach: Rauter, 2003. 320 S.
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174 S.
Price: 50 рублей
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