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Humanities and Science University Journal № 44 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Anton Rubinstein about Life in Music (refl ections on the book “The box of thoughts”)

M. V. Smirnova, L. A. Skaftymova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper considers the role of Anton Rubinstein in the 
evolution of Russian musical culture. The authors draw 
attention to insuffi cient coverage of Rubinstein’s music 
and literature heritage in music studies. They analyze 
Rubinstein’s book “The box of thoughts”, scrutinizing a 
number of Rubinstein’s statements from the standpoint of 
today’s views. Consequently, the analysis results into the 
conclusion that the main statements and views described 
in the composer’s book stay up-to-date. 
Keywords: music, art, creation, composer, pianist, teacher, listener, piano, thought, system, history, modernity, herit-age, style, piece of music, standpoint, motivation.
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2. Barinova M. Ocherki po metodike fortepiano. L.: Triton, 1926. 203 s.
3. Gakkel’ L. Otkuda my? Kuda idem? SPb.: Izdatel’stvo Politekhnicheskogo uni-
versiteta, 2013. 250 s.
4. Gurevich V. «Korob mysley» A. G. Rubinshteyna kak dokument epokhi. URL: 
ment_epohi (data obrashcheniya: 15.11.2018).
5. Rubinshteyn A. Izbrannye pis’ma. M.: Muzgiz, 1954. 102 s.
6. Rubinshteyn A. Korob mysley. M.; SPb.: Olma-Press, 1999. 317 s.
7. Chto takoe aforizm? Opredelenie termina i yarkie primery / FB.ru. URL: http://
fb.ru/article/185198/chto-takoe-aforizm-opredelenie-termina-i-yarkie-primeryi (data 
obrashcheniya: 20.10.2018).
8. Shuman R. Zhiznennye pravila dlya muzykantov // Shuman R. O muzyke i muz-
ykantakh. Sobranie statey. M.: Muzyka, 1979. T. II-B. S. 175–183.
Price: 50 рублей
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