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Humanities and Science University Journal № 44 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Microchromatics in I. Vyshnegradsky’s Works: Synesthetic Aspect of Research

S. N. Loseva
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the synesthetic aspect of the study of micro-
chromatics in the work of I. Vyshnegradsky. The author notes the 
infl uence of Scriabin on the composer’s worldview. With the means 
of expressiveness, revealing the author’s creative intent are analyzed, 
attention is focused on the features of the sound continuum. The article 
may be useful to students and students of vocational schools, when 
studying courses in the history of music and performing arts, as well 
as teachers and artists.
Keywords: I. Vyshnegradsky, microchromatics, synesthetics, creativity.
1. Vyshnegradskiy I. Piramida zhizni: Dnevnik, stat’i, pis’ma, vospominaniya // 
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A. L. Bretanitskaya, publ. E. G. Pol’dyaeva. M.: Kompozitor, 2001. 320 s.
2. Gurenko N. Ivan Vyshnegradskiy: teoriya i praktika mikrokhromatiki // Tekhnika 
kompozitsii XX veka. 2009. № 1. S. 142–147.
3. Ivan Vyshnegradskiy. Biografi ya. URL: http://www.ivan-wyschnegradsky.fr/fr/
biographie (data obrashcheniya: 09.12.2018).
4. Ishmeyeva V. A. O chetvertitonovoy notatsii v russkoy muzyke nachala XX veka // 
Izvestiya Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A. I. Gert-
sena. 2009 (118). S. 251–255. 
5. Katonova N. Yazyk i zhanr: formirovanie mul’tiklavirnogo ansamblya 
v tvorchestve Ivana Vyshnegradskogo // Muzyka Rossii: ot srednikh vekov do sovre-
mennosti: sbornik statey. Vyp. 2. M., 2004. S. 175–186.
Price: 50 рублей
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