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Humanities and Science University Journal № 43 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Communication Strategies in the Linguistic Scientifi c Text (on the material of linguistic scientifi c papers)

M. N. Dmitrieva
Price: 50 руб.
This article focuses on the persuasive strategy as the dominant communicative category of the scientifi c text. In this correlation the author considers pragmatic attitudes to assertiveness and dialogicity of the scientifi c writing and epistemic modality of confi dence, which is relevant to scientifi c communication. The article analyzes verbal methods of implementing these strategies on the basis of German-language articles on linguistics.
Keywords: persuasive/argumentative techniques, language of science, linguistic scientifi c discourse, metacommunication, epistemic modality, research narrative, assertiveness, principles of scientifi c communication.
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2. Dmitrieva M. N. Yazykovye sredstva argumentatsii // Nemetskaya fi lologiya 
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3. Nefyodov S. T. Intentsional’naya struktura i modal’nost’ nauchnogo teksta // 
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№ 9 (63). S. 141–145.
4. Nefyodov S. T. Spetsifi ka kodirovaniya metadiskursivnoy informatsii v nauchnom 
tekste // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. 2013. № 3 (69). S. 99–101.
5. Nefyodov S. T. Epistemicheskie «sdvigi» v modal’nosti nauchnogo teksta // 
Nauchnoe obozrenie: gumanitarnye issledovaniya. 2016. № 9b. S. 111–118.
6. Filippov K. A. Lingvistika teksta i sovremennyi analiz ustnoy rechi: uchebnoe 
posobie. SPb.: Izd-vo S.-Peterb. un-ta, 2016. 228 s.
7. Ammon U. Die Stellung der deutschen Sprache in der Welt. Walter de Gruyter 
GmbH, Berlin, Mьnchen, Boston, 2015. 1276 S.
8. Polenz P. Deutsche Sprachgeschichte vom Spдtmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. 
Band III 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin, New York, 1999. 757 S.
Price: 50 рублей
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