The article traces the contribution of the “Singing Voice” movement
in Japan to development of the humanitarian interaction with the
Soviet state in the 1950s and 1960s, the process of forming the
music movement in Japan, its goals, and the specifi cs of its activity.
It is revealed that the “Singing Voice” choir closely interacted
with the Peace Movement, which opposes nuclear weapons. The
article defi nes the forms of interaction between the “Singing Voice
of Japan” movement and the USSR: popularization of Soviet and
Russian music, joint participation of Soviet and Japanese musicians
in festivals, tours of the movement in the USSR. As a result of the
musical interaction, not only professional ties were maintained
between the musicians of the two countries, but also a positive
image of the Soviet state was formed in Japan.
Keywords: Peace Movement, the “Singing Voice of Japan”, humanitarian cooperation, USSR, Japan.
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