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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018

Adverbs with Semantics of Iteration as a Mean of Generating Implications in the Russian Story of Late XIX — Early XX Centuries

Nurgiul Ozdemir
Price: 50 руб.
The paper analyzes the functional load of adverbs and adverbial com-
plexes with semantics of iteration in the stories by A. P. Chekhov and 
I. A. Bunin. As a result of revealing semantic characteristics of the adverbs 
and their syntactic role in a sentence with allowance for three types of 
iterative relations (a cycle, an interval and a regulated repetition), it seems 
possible to claim that the implication generated by iterative adverbs coin-
cides with the main ideological line of the author in a particular period 
of his work and contributes to creation of the author’s individual style.
Keywords: implication, iteration, cyclical nature, interval, individual style.
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Azbuka, Azbuka-Attikus, 2016. 701 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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