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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018

Postage Stamp as Source on History and Culture

Y. V. Gromov
Price: 50 руб.
The paper considers foreign experience of using a postage 
stamp as a source on history and culture in doctoral 
research; national experience of scientifi c and practical 
seminars on history of mail and philately; possibilities of 
using a postage stamp as a source on history and culture 
in museology.
Keywords: postage stamp, philately, visual communication, historical source, historical 
source on culture, museology.
1. Bakayutova L. N., Shmakova A. A. Pochtovaya marka i pochtovaya kartochka: 
tvortsy, izdateli, kollektsionery: sbornik metodicheskikh materialov IX Nauchno-
prakticheskogo seminara po istorii pochty i filatelii // Tsentral'nyi muzey svyazi 
im. A. S. Popova. SPb., 2018 399 s. tsv. il. 
2. Kollektsii predstavlyayut istoriyu. K 100-letiyu yubileynogo Romanovskogo 
vypuska pochtovykh marok: materialy 3-go nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara po istorii 
pochty i fi latelii. 9–10 oktyabrya 2012 g. SPb.: TsMS, 2012. 228 s., 28 l. tsv. il. 
3. Metelkin E. N. Filateliya – vspomogatel’naya istoricheskaya distsiplina / redkol.: 
Yu. E. Shustova (otv. red.) i dr. // Vspomogatel’nye istoricheskie distsipliny i istoch-
nikovedenie: sovremennye issledovaniya i perspektivy razvitiya: materialy XXVII 
Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Moskva, 9–11 aprelya 2015 g. M.: RGGU, 2015. S. 305–306. 
4. Pochtovaya marka — ob’yekt kul’turnogo naslediya: materialy 5-go nauchno-
prakticheskogo seminara po istorii pochty i fi latelii. SPb.: TsMS, 2014. 284 s., 42 l. tsv. il. 
5. Pochtovye marki Respublika Kuba: katalog, 1959–1977 / sost. A. I. Vodyanitskiy, 
A. A. Mikhaylov. M.: Tsentr. fi latelist. agentstvo «Soyuzpechat’», 1979. 238 s. 
6. Sambur M. V. Otkrytka v kontekste kul’tury: atributsiya, nauchnoe opisanie, 
eksponirovanie: avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk. M.: Mos. gos. un-t kul’tury i iskusstv, 
2014. 28 s. 
7. Andreou S. Doctoral Dissertation: Cultivating Offi cial Culture Visual Commu-
nication: Stamp Design in The Republic of Cyprus, Perceptions of Citizens and Ideol-
ogy, Cyprus University of Technology Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Department 
of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Limassol, 2017. 300 р. URL: http://ktisis.cut.ac.cy/
bitstream/10488/10740/3/PhD%20dissertation.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 10.06.2018).
8. Guerra Gonzбlez J. E. Filatelia e Historia Postal en Espaсa (1830–2015). Fuente 
histуrica, lнneas de investigaciуn y abordajes metodolуgicos para la construcciуn disci-
plinar de la Historia de la Enfermerнa. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 2016. 386 p. 
URL: https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/54309/1/tesis_guerra_gonzalez.pdf (data 
obrashcheniya: 02.10.2018). 
Price: 50 рублей
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