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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018

Popular Vocal Music in Russian Lyrics Songbooks of Early XIX Сentury

Y. V. Saveljeva
Price: 50 руб.
The focus of the paper is on the lyrics songbooks at the beginning 
of the XIX century, which were fi rmly included in the home life of 
people. In most cases, vocal music, presented in these early printed 
collections, was already widely distributed in the streets, city festivals, 
and garden concert venues. The popular city repertoire at the time 
included a variety of genres: Russian, Little Russian, Cossack, 
Gypsy, Tyrolean, military-patriotic songs, “Russian songs”, as well 
as theatrical music - verses from vaudevilles, arias and ariettas. 
The paper analyzes the structural and genre features of the lyrics 
songbooks that became a phenomenon of the urban musical culture.
Keywords: vocal music, lyrics songbook, popular repertoire, urban musical culture, song, aria.
1. Vol’man B. Russkie pesni XVIII veka: Pesennik I. D. Gerstenberga i F. A. Ditmara. 
M.: Gos. muz. izd., 1958. 358 s.
2. Gozenpud A. A. Muzykal’nyi teatr v Rossii (Ot istokov do Glinki). L.: Muzgiz, 
1959. 781 s.
3. Novyi rossiyskiy pesennik, ili Sobranie lyubovnykh, khorovodnykh, pastush’ikh, 
plyasovykh, teatral’nykh, Tsyganskikh, Malorossiyskikh, kozatskikh, svyatoshnykh, 
prostonarodnykh, i v nastoyashchuyu voynu na porazhenie nepriyateley, i na raznye 
drugie sluchai sochinennykh 145 pesen / I. K. Shnor, T. P. Polezhaev. SPb.: pech. 
I. K. Shnora, 1791. 158 s.
4. Ob’yavlenie o prodazhe pesennika // Sankt-Peterburgskie vedomosti. 1820. № 8. 
S. 88. 
5. Petrovskaya I. F. Kontsertnaya zhizn’ Peterburga, muzyka v obshchestvennom i 
domashnem bytu. 1801–1859. SPb.: RIII, 2000. 182 s.
6. Trubitsyn N. N. O narodnoy poezii v obshchestvennom i literaturnom obikhode 
pervoy treti XIX v. SPb.: tip. Gl. Upr. Udelov, 1912. 593 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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