The formation and development of the new direction of international law — European
sports law – is considered in the paper. The author analyses the main international con-
tracts adopted by the European Union and the Council of Europe that regulate the organ-
isation of sports competitions. The author also shows the infl uence of special interstate
programmes on the organisational legal mechanism in the sphere of sport. Cooperation
of the European countries leads to the creation and functioning of companies organising
European sports events including the so-called European Games (analogue of the Olym-
pic Games) on the basis of these contracts and programmes. It is extremely important
to systematise norms and rules of the European associations of the states regulating the
sphere of sport and to formulate bases of the European sports law at the doctrinal level.
Key words: sport, European Union, Council of Europe, sports competitions, sports
law, “eurosport law”, European Games.
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