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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №4, 2018


I. V. Botantsov
Price: 50 руб.
The article considers the formation of the Russian legal system in the Imperial period. 
The author designates the criteria for the allocation of such elements as generalities of 
law. The groups of norms characterised by the generality of the subject of legal regula-
tion are analysed. The author comes to the conclusion that the legal system of the Rus-
sian Empire included several systems of law formed in parallel, which hampered its 
uniform development and institutionalisation of generalities of law. 
Key words: generality of law, Russian Empire, church law, particular law, legal sys-
tem, system of law.
1. Botantsov I. V. Evolyutsiya sistemy istochnikov prava Rossiyskoy imperii (1832–1917 gg.): avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Kaliningrad, 2017. 24 s.
2. Dorskaya A. A., Chestnov I. L. Evolyutsiya sistemy prava Rossii: teoreticheskiy i istoriko-pravovoy podkhody: monografi ya. SPb., 2010. 306 s.
3. Kandinskiy V. O nakazaniyakh po resheniyam volostnykh sudov Moskovskoy gubernii. M., 1889. 180 s.
4. Kachalov N. Ob otnoshenii yuridicheskogo obychaya k zakonodatel’stvu. SPb., 1877. 67 s.
5. Sbornik deystvuyushchikh i rukovodstvennykh tserkovnykh i tserkovno-grazhdanskikh postanovleniy 
po vedomstvu pravoslavnogo ispovedaniya. SPb., 1885. T. 1. 874 s.
6. Chestnov I. L. Kriterii vydeleniya obshchnostey prava // Izvestiya RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena. 2006. № 21-1. S. 168–171.
Price: 50 рублей
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