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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №3, 2018


V. A. Troitskiy
Price: 50 руб.
Intellectual property (IP) as a legal category is created by the states in order to promote 
innovations, motivate creative activities of individuals, stimulate research and develop-
ment, support investments. 
The limits and scope of the IP rights protection are a matter of broad discussion. There 
are numerous voices pointing at excessiveness of IP rights. They criticise continuous 
extension of the author’s rights protection. In the US and most European states it is 
70 years now, meaning that the benefi ciaries of this protection are not authors but prob-
ably the third generations of inheritors. The patent laws that allow patent profession-
als with no involvement into real production or service rendering to gain protection on 
broad range of objects also become questionable. 
The author of the paper analyses cases where IP laws and other regulations can be con-
sidered as potential barriers to international climate data exchange and therefore to inter-
national cooperation in solving global ecological problems.
Key words: climate change, intellectual property law, copyright, global warming, 
international data exchange, database regulation.
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Price: 50 рублей
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