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Humanities and Science University Journal № 40 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018


D. M. Tomaeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article reviews the historical attempts to determine the concept of migration and 
classifi cations of migration processes. The author analyses various points of view 
concerning the defi nition of population migration and makes a conclusion on the 
complexity and versatility of this phenomenon due to its various aspects and facets. 
The article covers the main features of population migration, such as: movement across 
the border of a locality or inside it, its nature and time period, duration and aim of stay. 
The author develops a better substantiated and comprehensive defi nition of migration 
meeting the requirements of the migration policy. The migration policy is regulated at 
various levels, in particular, at the international level it is conducted by such organization 
as the UN, ILO and IOM, which repeatedly tried to develop the most correct and 
complete defi nition of migration through acts and recommendations. In many countries, 
the migration problems became so acute that this increased the power bodies’ need in 
recommendations on the migration policy and account of migration in all spheres of 
development of countries and world regions.
Key words: migration, migrant, migration process, migration policy, state, refugee.
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Price: 50 рублей
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