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Humanities and Science University Journal № 40 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Textural Development in a Musical Work

E. V. Titova
Price: 50 руб.
The article considers the phenomenon of textural development  in music. The process of textural development is one of the most important in the musical form, in which it is realized in two varieties associated with the phenomena of stability and insta-
bility. The latter is represented by texture variability and texture modulation.
Keywords: music, texture, development, type of musical texture, variability, modulation.
1. Bershadskaya T. S. Lektsii po garmonii. 2-e izd. L.: Muzyka, 1982. 238 s.
2.  Bershadskaya T. S., Titova E. V. Zvukovysotnaya sistema muzyki: slovar’ kly-
uchevykh terminov. 2-e izd. SPb.: Kompozitor-Sankt-Peterburg, 2013. 98 s.
3. Gnesin M. F. Nachal’nyi kurs prakticheskoy kompozitsii. M.: Muzgiz, 1962. 216 s.
4. Mazel’ L. A., Tsukkerman V. A. Analiz muzykal’nykh proizvedeniy. Elementy 
muzyki i metodika analiza malykh form. M.: Muzyka, 1967. 752 s.
5. Skrebkova-Filatova M. S. Faktura v muzyke: khudozhestvennye vozmozhnosti. 
Struktura. Funktsii. M.: Muzyka, 1985. 285 s.
6. Tyulin Yu. N. Uchenie o garmonii. 3-e izd. M.: Muzyka, 1966. 223 s.
7. Kholopova V. N. Formy muzykal’nykh proizvedeniy. 2-e izd. SPb.: Lan’, 2001. 
496 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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