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Humanities and Science University Journal №35 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2017

Searching for Hero of the Time in A. I. Sofronov’s Plays

V. G. Semenova
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to defi nition of a hero of the time 
in plays by Anempodist Sofronov. The author considers 
prerequisites for Yakutsk drama formation. The article 
analyzes images and types of characters in Sofronov’s 
plays, their impact on the development of Yakutsk litera-
ture, Yakutsk drama in particular. 
Keywords: Yakutsk literature, plays, Yakutsk drama, Anempodist Sofronov, literary types, characters, hero of the time.
1. Vershinina N. L. Vvedenie v literaturovedenie: ucheb. dlya vuzov / Vershinina 
N. L., Volkova E. V., Ilyushin A. A. i dr. / pod obshch. red. L. M. Krupchanova. M.: 
Oniks, 2009. 416 s.
2. Poetika: slovar’ aktual’nykh terminov i ponyatiy / gl. nauch. red. N. D. Tamarch-
enko. M.: Izdatel’stvo Kulaginoy; Intrada, 2008. 358 s.
3. Pukhov I. V. Ot fol’klora k literature. Stat’i o fol’klore i literature. Yakutsk: Kni-
zhnoe izd-vo, 1980. 128 s.
4. Khalizev V. E. Teoriya literatury. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1999. 398 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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