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Humanities and Science University Journal №35 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2017

Beliefs of Ob-Ugric People about Death and Burial Rites

L.V. Kashlatova
Price: 50 руб.
Ideas related to death refer to the funeral rite, which is most fully pre-
served in all regions of Khanty and Mansi. All the customs in the burial 
ritual, so carefully passed down from generation to generation, result 
from the fear of death. The cycle of the funeral rite can be divided into 
several stages — pre-funeral, funeral and memorial rituals. Each local 
group of Ob-Ugrians has differences in carrying out rituals. Conven-
tionally, predpochtenii (pre-funeral) and burial rites can be called in 
one word — funeral, as it includes the following courses of action: 
washing, wrapping, coffi n preparation, mourning, vigil at the tomb, 
carrying the soul, transfer to the cemetery, burial, purifi cation rites, 
and numerous bans consistently imposed from the death to the rituals 
performed at the cemetery.
Keywords:  Ob-Ugrians, Kattas god-dess, Numi Torum, death, soul, ritual divination, funeral cortege, burial.
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Price: 50 рублей
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