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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №32 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2017

Media Event in the Service of Government Entities: The Possibilities of New Media

Liu Shuiqing
Price: 50 руб.
 The article explores features of media according to the opinion of Daniel Boorstin, Daniel Dayan and Elihu Katz and analyses the three characteristics of media event as «competition», «coronation» and «conquest». Given the development of new media
technologies, the author reviews the concept of a «new media event» and the use of this type of media event in the service of government entities engaged in the PR activities on behalf of the PRC government.

Keywords: media event, Daniel Boorstin, Daniel Dayan, Elihu Katz, new media, new media event, public relations.
1. Markov A. A. Svyazi s obshchestvennost’yu v organakh vlasti. M.: INFRA-M,
2014. 189 s.

2. U Shu. Sozdanie psevdosobytiy. Taybey: Iz-vo Zhden’ Zhdon, 1992. 188 s.
Frank Bosh, Deniel Day’yan, Eliu Kats. Media-sobytie. URL: http://ru.knowledgr.
com/02459204/ (data obrashcheniya 01.04.2016).
Chu Linchuan, Chen Taowen.Issledovanie o sobytiyakh novykh media. Pekin:
Iz-vo universiteta kitayskogo naroda, 2011. 269 s.
Daniel Boorstim. The image: a guide to pseudo-events in America. New York:
Harper & Row Publishers Ins. 1961. 336 р.
Daniel Dayan, Elihu Katz. Media Events: Live Broadcasting of History. Harvard
University Press. 1994. 320 р.

Price: 50 рублей
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