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The Scientific Opinion №6 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018

Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company and the Development of Transport Infrastructure of the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus (1856–1864)

M. N. Baryshnikov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article explores the early stage (1856–1864) of business activities of the Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company (ROPiT), the largest steamship company in the Imperial Russia by the turn of the 20th century. The joint-stock company
exemplifies the specifics, which are typical of the establishing of the historically
first Russian public-private partnership aimed at developing the infrastructural
environment of the Black Sea region in Russia. The subject of this study includes
the directions of freight and passenger traffic across the ports on the Black Sea and
the Sea of Azov, investment in onshore construction, ways of organizing transport
connection with the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The article demonstrates that
the Company’s activities contributed to the effort to reinforce the military, social
and economic capacity of eastern Black Sea coast. The author’s conclusion is that
the outcome of the Company’s operation validated the importance of innovative use
of economic and organizational mechanisms in development of a major transport
company, in the quest of an optimum balance between the public and private interest, while simultaneously ensuring profitability and competitiveness in a difficult
internal and international political situation for the country.

Keywords: Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company, Black Sea region, Caucasus, joint-stock company, transport communication, infrastructure, public-private
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408 s.
5. Obshcheye sobranie Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva i torgovli 22 aprelya
1864. SPb., 1864. 15 s.
6. Ob’yasnitel’naya zapiska k otchetu Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva i torgovli
za 1864 god. SPb., 1865. 50 s.
7. Ob’yasnitel’naya zapiska k otchetu Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva i torgovli
i Odesskoy zheleznoy dorogi za 1874 god. SPb., 1875. 58 s.
8. Otchet Vysochayshe utverzhdennogo Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva
i torgovli s 3 avgusta 1856 goda po 31 dekabrya 1857 goda. SPb., 1858. 59 s.
9. Otchet Vysochayshe utverzhdennogo Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva
i torgovli za 1858 god. SPb., 1859. 121 s.
10. Otchet Vysochayshe utverzhdennogo Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva
i torgovli za 1859 god. SPb., 1860. 87 s.
11. Otchet Vysochayshe utverzhdennogo Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva
i torgovli za 1863 god. SPb., 1864. 4 s.
12. Otchet Vysochayshe utverzhdennogo Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva
i torgovli s 1 yanvarya po 31 dekabrya 1865 g. SPb., 1866. 4 s.

13. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyi istoricheskiy arkhiv (RGIA). F. 107. Op. 1. D. 1.
14. RGIA. F. 107. Op. 1. D. 14.
15. RGIA. F. 107. Op. 1. D. 30.
16. RGIA. F. 107. Op. 1. D. 173.
17. RGIA. F. 107. Op. 1. D. 212.
18. RGIA. F. 107. Op. 1. D. 240.
19. RGIA. F.107. Op. 1. D. 298.
20. RGIA. F. 107. Op. 1. D. 593.
21. Ustav Russkogo obshchestva parokhodstva i torgovli. SPb., 1856. 32 s.
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I. L. Babich. M.: IEA RAN, 2014. 91 s.

Price: 50 рублей
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