I. V. Shapovalov, P. A. Yegorova, O. A. Yudin
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH. 22224378.2018.6.11.15
Based on the analysis of scientifc sources, the paper reveals the authors’ position on the
theoretical foundations of forming professional responsibility of future offcers of the
Federal Security Service of Russia. The authors note that the formation of professional
responsibility will be effective under mutual observance of the following pedagogical
conditions: psychological and pedagogical stimulation of the internalisation of personal
and professional values; providing (conducting) continuous consultative psychological
(mentoring) assistance to future offcers; combination of high demands and absence of
direct or indirect pressure on cadets’ opinions; creation of a comfortable educational
atmosphere, conducive to the openness of everyone and absence of tension; target development of value orientations and professional attitudes.
Key words: values, responsibility, professional responsibility.
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