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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №27 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2017

The Thermal Stability of Enclosing Structures as a Power-Saving Factor

A. L. Antuskov, A. F. Ostrovaia, E. A. Statsenko, E. V. Kotov, T. A. Musorina, M. R. Petritchenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The thermal conditions of enclosing structures of buildings depends on many factors. The energy effi ciency of wall structures must meet the requirements of regulatory documents — 261 FL. This Law requires a low thermal conductivity to be able to build smart houses with low accumulation of heat. Currently, the focus is on structural and technological activities aimed at increasing the thermal resistance of the wall structures. The realization of high thermal resistance of the wall structure requires estimates of the thermal stability of the wall. The given article analyzes the thermal characteristics of building materials that are used in modern construction. The best solution for energy effi ciency of enclosing structures with taking into account the economic costs are selected.
Keywords: the protecting designs, energy effi ciency, thermal stability, heat conductivity,
thermal capacity, material density, heat-insulating materials.
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Price: 50 рублей
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