Translation errors appeared almost simultaneously with the translation itself and has since become the subject of interest for the researchers in the fi eld of translation in our country an abroad . Translation mistakes are inevitable, however, their minimization and improvement of the quality of translation depend on the individual efforts of translators. In this work, we consider the cultural and linguistic component of translation errors on the
examples of Cao Ying’s Chinese translation of the novel of L. N. Tolstoy “War and peace”. According to the “six levels of translation” deduced by L. S. Barkhudarov we make classifi cation of translation errors on the level of phonemes and morphemes, on the lexical level, on the level of phrase, sentence and text, we substantiate this classifi cation on the basis of translation analysis of the examples from the source text of the novel “War and peace”and its Chinese translation.
Keywords: translation errors, literary translation, L. N. Tolstoy, Cao Ying, translation
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