I. S. Avramkova
Price: 50 руб.
The article makes a retrospective review of the phenomenon of communication in
historically established schools and directions of Russian general and music pedagogy.
The focus is on such an aspect of the communication phenomenon as personalitycentered training. This trait was typical of the Russian religious Christian tradition, which endowed a spiritual guide with almost sacral properties, as well as of the Russian secular pedagogical thought, the latter due to certain social, economic and political factors. The reasons for the crystallisation of personality-oriented training as an immanent feature of Russian pedagogy are evident in ancient literary and historical monuments (Poucheniya Vladimira Monomakha, Izbornik Svyatoslava, etc.), the activities of Russian educators (I. Fedorov, S. Polotsky, S. Medvedev and others), the formation of the education system (I. Pososhkov, V. Tatishchev, M. Lomonosov, I. Novikov, I. Betskoi, N. Chernyshevsky, N. Dobrolyubov, K. Ushinsky and others) as well as some trends in the Russian and then Soviet pedagogy. The article consistently pursues the idea that personality-oriented training is one of the brightest and mentally conditioned features of the Russian pedagogical tradition. It becomes of special importance for music pedagogy, securing high efficiency of the music pedagogy process and success in concert activity. The article substantiates the thesis that it is the personal vector of communication between a teacher and a student, as well as the establishment of proper relations between all participants, that allow to disclose the creative potential of students and possibilities of their interaction for the most complete mastering of educational material, preparation for future professional activity, personal growth and development of truly spiritual personal qualities.
Key words: Russian pedagogy, pedagogy of music education, pedagogical
communication, personality-oriented training.
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