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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 34 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Piano Arrangement in China: Intra-Genre Differences and Features of the Musical Language

Li Yun
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to one of the genres common in the Chinese musical culture. The classifi cation approaches to its internal differentiation are substantiated due to the socio-cultural parameters of existence and the actual musical characteristics of the source text and the modes of working with it. Different versions of arrangements in modern Chinese music are differentiated. As the main types, arrangements of “exemplary theatrical performance” and arrangement of the vocal composition are highlighted. The varieties of the latter type are examined in detail, i.e. arrangements of ancient and modern folk songs, arrangement of author’s songs, as well as arrangements for folk instruments. Special attention is drawn to the peculiarities of the musical language, determined by the characteristic national features of Chinese
music. It is shown that the basis of the arrangement is, as a rule, pentatonic,
represented by two types, i.e. pure pentatonic and pentatonic with a changed
tone. In addition, the importance for the formation of the “portrait” of the genre in question has been revealed the principle of linearity, which goes back to national sources and is highly valued in the art of the country. The paper argues that the arrangement has great infl uence on the renewal of nationaln traditions and the modern Chinese musical culture in general.
Keywords: Chinese musical culture, piano arrangement, national style, types and types of arrangements, features of the musical language, pentatonic is clean and with a changed tone.
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Price: 50 рублей
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