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◄"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 33 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Innovative Piano Performance Style of Li Yinghai

Dong Wan
Price: 50 руб.
Li Inhai uses harmonic major and minor scales of European music, follows examples from the music of Western impressionism, actively searches for the development of traditional musical theories, applies the achievements of his predecessors, studies Chinese ancient history and traditional music, and as a result enriches the harmonious system of musical theory with a bright Chinese originality. In the fi eld of
instrumental performing arts, piano music dominates. For example, the piece «Concord of the fl ute and the drum during sunset», transcribed from the lute melody, is characterized by classical charm and a clear composition. With the help of ornamental sounds of arpeggios, tremolo and the imitatativeness of the piano, the idea of a melody opens clearly. The traditional scales and piano language are combined smoothly, which allows to confi dently classify the aforementioned piece as a masterpiece of Chinese piano music.
Keywords: folk musical coloring, piano performance style, piano music
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S. 108–110.
Price: 50 рублей
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