T. E. Nerovnaya
Price: 50 руб.
The conceptual basis of the content and structure of the proposed article is the result of a focused study and comprehension of the varied signifi cant objects of the Russian culture. The generation of the great historical upheaval is represented by the complicated creative careers of V. Zolotarev and I. Kryzhanovsky, which are complemented and expounded by the creative content of the heretofore unknown St. Petersburg compositions, i.e. Trio op.28 (Zolotarev) and Trio op.22 (Kryzhanovsky). At the same time, the author’s perspective is determined by a multitude of details of the artistic environment of St.Petersburg itself at the turn of the 20th century. A comprehensive look at the proposed materials through the interaction of their
aesthetic and stylistic aspects presents an original opportunity to revive the scientifi c and practical interest in the whole stratum of Russian musical history.
Keywords: Russian art of the fi rst half of the 20th century, St. Petersburg school, Vasily
Zolotarev, Ivan Kryzhanovsky, the piano trio.
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