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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №3-4, 2017

Illustrations of Fairy Tales by Russian and Chinese Artists as a Refl ection of Mentality of Russia and China

Wu Zijing
Price: 50 руб.
The author attempts to demonstrate how the national identity of an artist impacts his illustrations of a fairy tale, whether the tale is foreign or native to the artist. In analyzing the illustrations of Russian and Chinese artists for the tale of “The Adventures of Cipollino” by Gianni Rodari, and the “Masha and the Bear” Russian folk tale one can see that the artists make different accents on the interpretation of fairy tales, a feature
that corresponds to the illustrator’s national identity, which is refl ected in the images of characters and their surroundings. Illustrations of the traditional national fairy tales from the illustrations of fairy tales from abroad are distinguished by the extrapolation of a greater number of features of national culture and life upon the tale’s characters. The
foreign origin of a fairy tale makes it possible for the artists to interpret the characters of the tale and their values. Thus, the illustrations are a refl ection of the mentality of the artist.
Keywords: mentality, illustrations for fairy tales, artists of Russia and China.
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Mezhdunarodnyi studencheskiy nauchnyi vestnik. URL: http://www.scienceforum.
Price: 50 рублей
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