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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №3-4, 2017

Reception of Mevlana Rumi in the Works of Friedrich Rückert

E. E. Sanuk
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyses poetry by the great Persian poet Rumi in the translations by Friedrich Rückert, a German romantic poet. Mewlana Rumi was the fi rst Persian poet translated by Rückert, and the translator succeeded in presenting poetic works in the most adequate way, i.e as a pantheistic poetry, which was glorifying Allah’s wisdom, nature, beauty, love, wine and joy of life.
Keywords: Allah, poetry, ghazel, wine, love, oriental, works, Rückert, Mewlana Rumi,
1. Fischer Wolf Dietrich. Rainer Gömmel (Hrsg.): Friedrich Rückert. Dichter und
Sprachgelehrter in Erlangen. Neustadt an der Aisch. 1990.
2. Schimmel Annemarie. Rumi. Ich bin Wind und du bist Feuer. Leben und Werk
des großen Mystikers. München. 2003.
3. Timm Hermann. Gott und die Freiheit. Studien zur Religionsphilosophie der
Goethezeit. Band 1: Die Spinozarenaissance. Frankfurt am Main. 1974.
Price: 50 рублей
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