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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 31 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017


E. A. Mikhalchevskiy, N. S. Didenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The research is devoted to the specifics of humanities knowledge of post-industrial
society in the context of the interaction of mass consciousness and a counterculture
by means of modern technical resources and features of sociocultural dynamics. The
cultural phenomenon of the present raises an issue about blending of edges between
cultural levels – elite, countercultural and mass levels, because of their liquidity in
modern society, owing to the domination of the mass media and ironical approach
to perception of cultural heritage and moral bases of civilisation. The technological
development of the 20th century has led to the origin of the mass media, culture media,
and, as a result, a counterculture. The specifics of the mass culture are arranged so that
the counterculture, under the influence of its tendencies, attracts the mass consumer.
Because of the counterculture’s integration into the mass consciousness, its features and
the features of the elite culture are lost. This situation can negatively affect a personality’s
development and formation of world perception.
Key words: mass consciousness, cross-cultural communication, cultural phenomenon,
elite culture, counterculture, mass culture, post-industrial society, consumerism.
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6. Ortega-i-Gasset Khose. Vosstanie mass [per. s isp. A. Geleskulla]. M.: AST: AST Moskva, 2008. 272 s. (Philosophy).
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Price: 50 рублей
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