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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №1, 2017

Development of Perception of Musical Form in Choral Conducting Classes

I. N. Khazeyeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article explores the perception of music form and acquisition by musicians of skills aimed at mastering the music form in the choral conducting. The author concludes that the development of the perception of music form is a mix of complex analytical, technical
and intonational processes, which must be based on knowledge of the music form principles and both life and musical experience, so that they are refl ected in the conductor's performance.
Keywords: perception, experience, form of musical works, compositional structures,
thematic development.
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3. Medushevskiy V. V. Intonatsionnaya forma muzyki. M., 1993. 262 s.
4. Toropova A. V. Ocherki po muzykal’noy psikhologii i psikhologii muzykal’nogo
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5. Kholopov Yu. V. Muzykal’nye formy klassicheskoy traditsii. Stat’i, materialy /
red.-sost. T. S. Kyuregyan. M.: Moskovskaya konservatoriya, 2012. 564 s.
6. Shyonberg A. Stil’ i mysl’. Stat’i i materialy / sost., per., komment. N. O. Vlasovoy
i O. V. Losevoy. M., 2006. 528 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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