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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №1, 2017


O. V. Loboda, N. Yu. Malkova
Price: 50 руб.
Analysis of migration today, as a rule, is reduced to a description of execution of administrative decisions of public authorities. In this case, an individual, who gets into a new life situation related to a change of territorial presence, fi nds himself/herself in the position of fi xing his/her demographic, economic, and legal characteristics. This, in its turn, does not give an objective description of the person’s real position in the daily context. The orientation on pragmatism of the modern humanities forces one to diverge from the descriptive position. Description as “indifferent” fi xation of phenomena refl ecting
the reality does nothing for its understanding. In this connection there is a need to adopt
different approaches to the interpretation of the position of a “stranger” in conditions of
a host society, in order to understand not mechanisms and structures, regardless of any
subjectivity and physicality, but the logic and strategy of actions of individuals. The affective approach, in our view, offers new opportunities in the study of a “stranger’s”
presence in the social space.
Key words: marginality, “stranger”, emotional model, value-semantic sphere, urban
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Price: 50 рублей
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