N. I. Drujkova, E. I. Vasilieva
Price: 50 руб.
W. Kandinsky is one of the leaders of international avant-garde, who found and
theoretically explicated abstract art. The paper reconstructs the content of his educational
course on colour science, involving materials from his books “Concerning the Spiritual
in Art” and “Point and Line to Plane”, educational programmes from the State Institute of
Artistic Culture and the State Academy of Artistic Sciences, and also from the Bauhaus
period articles. As a result, it would be fair to note that the content of Kandinsky’s course
has not lost its relevance and it is a good material to be used in modern art school in the
period of its reforming.
Key words: professional art education, painting, teaching, theory of colour science, basic
colours, national colour preferences, competences.
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