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The Scientific Opinion №6 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017


Liu Yanchen
Price: 50 руб.
 Teaching children to play the piano was intensively developing in China in the
20th century, which continued in the 21st century and became a swiftly progressing
phenomenon in the musical and aesthetic culture of the country. The article aims to
reveal a complex of pressing problems in Chinese children’s piano pedagogy and to
find ways of their solution. The author tries to summarise the situation in Chinese
children’s piano pedagogy in the beginning of the 21st century, in particular: to
compare the distribution of professional teachers’ resources between different areas
of the country, to substantiate the impact of parents on children’s decreasing interest
in learning, as well as to generalise the features of traditional methods of primary
teaching and to find ways out of the difficult situation. As a result of the analysis, the
author reveals the need to create new cultural centres in Chinese regions, to rely on
the national features in methods and to carry out special pedagogical researches in the
area of primary piano teaching.
Key words: children’s piano pedagogy, professional teachers’ resources, graduates
of music pedagogical institutions in China, interest, traditional methods of piano
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Price: 50 рублей
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