Price: 50 руб.
The article focuses to the main trends in the history of Chinese metal engraving, art criticism, art pedagogics and the theory of graphic art.
Keywords: culture, deep metal engraving, etching, China, education.
1. Qi Fenge. Trekhmernyi vzglyad na pereosmyslenie tridtsati let razvitiya gravyury // Iskusstvo. 2009. № 3. (Na kitayskom yazyke).
2. Qi Fenge. Issledovaniya kitayskoy gravyury XX stoletiya. Red. Tsi Fenge.
Sochineniya po kitayskoy gravyure XX veka. Pekin: Narodnoe izdatel’stvo. 2002.11.
Izd. 1. (Na kitayskom yazyke).