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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 28 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

The Role of the Hermitage in the Educational Activities of Russian Artists of the 18-19th Centuries

A. V. Chubakov
Price: 50 руб.
 The author analyzes the role of the Hermitage in the educational activities of Russian artists of the 18-19th centuries. It is beyond a doubt that along with the academic Assembly, the Hermitage became a place of direct contact of the Russian artists with Western European art. The author emphasizes the crucial educational role played by the Hermitage in the study of the great masters by many would-be artists.
Keywords: copy, the Hermitage, the Academy, traditions, copying, old masters, ancient
universal technique.
1. Gol’dshteyn S. N. Kramskoy I. N. Perepiska s khudozhnikami. M.: Iskusstvo,
1954. T. 2. 656 s.
2. Imperatorskaya Akademiya khudozhestv: dokumenty i issledovaniya k 250-letiyu
so dnya osnovaniya: sbornik / sost. I. V. Ryazantsev, O. V. Kalugina, A. V. Samokhin.
M.: Pamyatniki istoricheskoy mysli. 2010. 238 s.
3. Moiseyeva S. V. «…K luchshim uspekham i slave Akademii»: Zhivopisnye klassy
Sankt-Peterburgskoy Imperatorskoy Akademii XVIII — pervoy poloviny XIX v. SPb.:
OOO «Dmitriy Bulanin», 2014. 216 s.
4. Surikov V. I. Pis’ma: 1868–1916. M., L.: Iskusstvo, 1948. 226 s.
5. Tolstoy D. I. [graf] Pravila dlya kopiruyushchikh kartiny, risunki i gravyury,
khranyashchiesya v Imperatorskom Ermitazhe, ot 24 sentyabrya 1863 goda. SPb.:
Imperatorskiy Ermitazh, Tipografiya V. D. Smirnova, 1863. 12 s.
6. Yubileynyi spravochnik Imperatorskoy Akademii khudozhestv. 1764–1914 gg. /
sost. S. N. Kondakov: v 2 ch. SPb.: Tovarishchestvo R. Golike i A. Vil’borg, 1914.
Ch. 1. 352 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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