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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 28 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Organization of Vocal Training in the Court Chapel (Based on the Documents from the Russian State Historical Archive)

N. S. Drobyshevskaya
Price: 50 руб.
 The author explores the organization of vocal training in the Court Chapel on the basis of the analysis of various texts related to the topic at various stages of development of Russian musical culture.
Keywords: the Court Chapel, bel canto, history of vocal performance, Russian vocal style.
1. Petrovskaya I. F. Istochnikovedenie istorii russkoy muzykal’noy kul’tury XVIII —
nachala XX veka. M.: Muzyka, 1983.
2. Petrovskaya I. F. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’-issledovanie «Muzykal’nyi Peterburg, 1801–1917»: v 2 t. SPb.: Kompozitor — Sankt-Peterburg, 2009.
3. RGIA. F. 466.
4. RGIA. F. 468.
5. RGIA. F. 469.
6. RGIA. F. 472. Op. 2. D. 625, 1045.
7. RGIA. F. 472. Op. 3. D.746.
8. RGIA. F. 472. Op. 4. D. 190, 257, 336, 429, 438, 571, 760.
9. RGIA. F. 472. Op. 5. D. 148, 219.
10. RGIA. F. 472. Op. 6. D. 4, 186.
11. RGIA. F. 472. Op. 7. D. 237, 338, 463, 526, 607, 679, 764, 881.
12. RGIA. F. 472. Op. 12. D. 20.
13. RGIA. F. 497.
14. RGIA. F. 499. Op. 1. D. 57, 68, 96, 139, 204, 212, 226, 271, 297,310, 341, 351,
467, 492, 507, 514, 555, 556, 557, 572, 581, 596, 615, 665, 789, 811, 862, 905, 907,
922, 962, 997, 1021, 1068, 1121, 1135, 1145, 1154, 1176, 1182, 1183, 1195, 1196, 1227, 1232, 1252, 1254, 1262, 1272, 1282, 1292, 1298, 1310, 1343, 1357 b, 1374, 1375, 1385, 1391, 1447, 1459, 1492 a, 1529, 1684, 1732.
15. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’ «Muzykal’nyi Peterburg». T. I — XVIII vek.
Kn. 1–3 / otv. red. A. L. Porfir’yeva; chleny red. kollegii: L. N. Berezovchuk,
G. N. Dobrovol’skaya, V. G. Kartsovnik, A. N. Kryukov, I. F. Petrovskaya, E. S. Khodorkovskaya. SPb., 2000.
Price: 50 рублей
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