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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №24 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2016

Investigation on stability of results of the training programme on strengthening the productive ways of coping with difficulties among mothers having intellectually disabled children

S. N. Moiseeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to the temporal stability of the results of the programme on
strengthening productive ways of coping with difficulties among mothers having children with intellectual disabilities. The article presents the results of the empirical research.
Key words: coping behaviour, mothers raising children with intellectual disabilities.
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3. Kryukova T. L., Saporovskaya M. V., Kuftyak E. V. Psikhologiya sem’i: zhiznennye trudnosti i sovladenie s nimi. SPb.: Rech’, 2005. 240 s.
4. Psikhologiya sem’i i bol’noy rebenok: uchebnoe posobie: khrestomatiya / I. V. Dobryakov, O. V. Zashchirinskaya. SPb.: Rech’, 2007. 400 s.
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Price: 50 рублей
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