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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №24 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2016

Self-education of cadets as a major factor in future officers’ leadership development

S. V. Lychagina, D. M. Sotnichenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper presents a theoretical analysis of self-education at military university that
determines content characteristics. Self-education is considered as an important
condition for ensuring effective scientific and pedagogical support for professionally
important qualities that are in demand in the National Guard Forces Command of the
Russian Federation.
Key words: self-education, motivation, leadership, self-improvement.
1. Gal’perin P. Ya. Psikhologiya kak ob’yektivnaya nauka. M.: In-t prakticheskoy psikhologii; Voronezh: MODEK, 1998. 480 s.
2. Lychagina S. V. Formirovanie voenno-rechevoy kul’tury kursantov vuzov VV MVD Rossii na integrativnoy osnove: dis. … kand. ped. nauk. SPb., 2006. 188 s.
3. Novikov A. M. Pedagogika: slovar’ sistemy osnovnykh ponyatiy. M.: Izdatel’skiy tsentr IET, 2013. 268 s.
4. Psikhologo-pedagogicheskiy slovar’ dlya uchiteley i rukovoditeley obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. Rostov n/D: izd-vo «Feniks», 1998. 544 s.
5. Turchin A. S. Akmepsikhologiya razvitiya sub’yekta obrazovaniya v deyatel’nosti so znakovo-simvolicheskimi sredstvami. M.; Kostroma: KGU im. N. A. Nekrasova, 2011. 318 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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