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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №24 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2016

Formation of students’ motivation for teaching and professional activities

O. V. Bazhuk
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper presents the theoretical and practical aspects of the study of students’
motivational potential, as well as the features of the formation of cognitive and
professional motivation through active learning methods.
Key words: motive, motivation, motivational potential, educational and professional
activities, active learning methods.
1. Bazhuk O. V. Povyshenie motivatsionnogo potentsiala studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza // Aktual’nye voprosy modernizatsii rossiyskogo obrazovaniya: materialy XVIII mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. M.: «Sputnik+», 2014. S. 195–199.
2. Bozhovich L. I. Izuchenie motivatsii povedeniya detey i podrostkov. M.: AST-Press, 2002. 460 s.
3. Leont’yev A. N. Potrebnosti, motivy i emotsii // Psikhologiya motivatsii i emotsiy: khrestomatiya. M.: AST: Astrel’, 2009. S. 47–66.
4. Shatalova N. I. Trudovoy potentsial rabotnika. M.: Yuniti-Dana, 2003. 400 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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