M. V. Smirnova
Price: 50 руб.
One of the most interesting compositions of the pedagogical repertoire – “Six Pieces for
Children” by F. Mendelssohn – is thoroughly analysed in the paper from the methodical
and performing points of view. It is noted that this work, being used by today’s teachers
more and more rarely, can be very helpful for a beginning pianist. Every piece is comprehensively analysed. The author of the paper considers such important performing factors as tempo, texture, dynamics, articulation, pedal, timbre, etc.
Key words: performance, text, composer, pianist, tempo, texture, dynamics, articulation, pedal, artistic image.
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3. Korykhalova N. Muzykal’no-ispolnitel’skie terminy. Vozniknovenie, razvitie znacheniy i ikh ottenki, ispol’zovanie v raznykh stilyakh. M.: «Kompozitor» (Sankt-Peterburg), 2000. 272 s.
4. Mandel’shtam O. Avtoportret // Russkie poety serebryanogo veka. L.: Izdatel’stvo leingradskogo universiteta, 1991. 431 s.
5. Metner N. Povsednevnaya rabota pianista i kompozitora. M.: Muzyka, 2011. 72 s.
6. Mysli i aforizmy vydayushchikhsya muzykantov. 3-e izd., dop. L.: Muzyka, 1981. 96 s.
7. Perel’man N. V klasse royalya. 3-e izd., dop. L.: Muzyka, 1981. 96 s.