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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 26 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Vocal Compositions by R. Schumann on Poems by W.Goethe

Liu Hui
Price: 50 руб.
 This article explores the place of Goethe’s poetry in the Schumann’s vocal heritage. The author examines features of songs by Schumann on Goethe’s texts, i. e. their philosophical frame of mind, meanings, and presence of psychological subtext. The author reviews the famous “Mignons” of the Schumann vocal legacy.
Keywords: vocal heritage, song, poetry, lyrics, musical embodiment, perception, interpretation, style.
1. Vasina-Grossman V. Romanticheskaya pesnya XIX veka. M.: Muzyka, 1966.
406 s.
2. Grokhotov S. Shuman i ego okrestnosti. Romanticheskie progulki po al’bomu
dlya yunoshestva. M.: Klassika-XXI, 2006. 239 s.
3. Leont’yev-Shcheglov I. Min’ona (Iz khroniki Mukhrovanskoy kreposti) //
Min’ona. Muzyka v russkoy proze (vtoraya polovina XIX veka). M.: Muzyka, 1991.
319 s.
4. Smirnova M. Sopostavlyaya interpretatsii. SPb.: Sudarynya, 2003. 227 s.
5. Shuman R. O muzyke i muzykantakh. Sobranie statey. T. II-B. M.: Muzyka,
1979. 294 s.
6. List F. Robert Shuman // Izbrannye stat’i. M.: MUZGIZ, 1959.
7. Shuman R. Sobranie vokal’nykh sochineniy. T. 5. Pesni dlya golosa s fortepiano.
M., 1969. 137 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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