A. V. Lelenkova
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyzes the issue of Japan-India political relations in the early 1960s, i. e. the period when the positions of the two countries were drastically moving apart. In the context of the Cold War, India’s government was adhering to basic principles of the Non-Aligned Movement, while the government of Japan set a course for the expansion of Japan-US alliance. The offi cial visit of the Japanese Prime Minister to India in 1961 clearly demonstrated that the period of relative revitalization of bilateral political ties in the late 1950s had come to the end, and a long period of stagnation began. Moreover,
the Sino-Indian War in 1962 led to the situation when Japan fi nally took a position of neutrality and non-support towards India in this military confl ict. This was because any intervention would lead to the suspension of Japan’s trade and economic relations with China, as well as to the weakening of economic cooperation with India.
Key words: Japan, India, political relations, the SinoIndian border dispute.
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