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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 26 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Exhibit Displays at the First World Expositions as a Source of Information about Ancient Egyptian Jewelry Art Tradition

A. A. Yefimova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article explores the promotion of knowledge about the Ancient Egyptian jewelry tradition in the second half of the 19th century. The author’s focus is on exhibit displays of the World Expositions in 1851, 1862, 1867, 1878 where the public at large had the fi rst opportunity to see masterpieces of the Ancient Egyptian jewelry.
Keywords: jewelry art, the 19th century, World Expositions, the Crystal Palace
at Sydenham Hill, Auguste Mariette, Ancient Egypt, Serapeum at Saqqara, the tomb of the queen Ahhotep.
1. Yefi mova A. A. Parizhskaya vystavka frantsuzskogo yuvelirnogo doma Cartier:
izdeliya v yegipetskom stile // Artikul’t: nauchnyi elektronnyi zhurnal (RGGU,
Moskva). 2014. № 15 (3). S. 84–92.
2. Karter G. Grobnitsa faraona Tutankhamona. M.: Izd-vo vostochnoy literatury,
1959. 360 s.
3. Napoleon Bonapart. Yegipetskiy pokhod. SPb.: Azbuka, 2012 (Azbuka-klassika).
432 s.
4. Skarisbrik D. Yuvelirnoe iskusstvo: Indiya i eyo vospriyatie na Zapade v seredine
XVI–XX veke // Indiya: Dragotsennosti, pokorivshie mir: kat. vyst. M.: Muzei Moskovskogo Kremlya, 2014. S. 229–241.
5. Bisson A.-R. Exposition Universelle de Paris 1867: album. Paris, 1867. 30 p.
6. Egyptomania: L’Égypt dans l’art occidental: 1730–1930: exhib. cat. Paris: Réunion
des Musées Nationaux, 1994. 605 p.
7. Jones O., Bonomi J. Descriptions of the Egyptian Court erected at the Crystal
Palace. London: Crystal Palace Library; Bradbury & Evans, 1854. 72 p.
8. Mariette A. Aperçu de l’histoire ancienne de l’Égypte pour l’intelligence des
monuments exposés dans le temple du parc égyptien. Paris: Typographie Morris et
Compagnie, 1867. 116 p.
9. Mariette A. L’Exposition universelle de Paris, 1878. La Galerie de l’Égypte
ancienne à l’exposition rétrospective du Trocadéro. Paris: Impr. F. Pichon, 1878. 126 p.
10. Mariette A. Le Sérapéum de Memphis. Paris: Gide; Libraire-Éditeur, 1857–1866.
62 p.
11. Memoires de Jacques de Morgan 1857–1924. Journal d’un archéologue, publié
par Andrée Jaunay. Paris: Éditions L’Harmattan, 1997. 551 p.
12. Morgan de J. Fouilles à Dahchour en 1894–1895. Vienna: Adolphe Holzhausen,
1895. 204 p.
13. Morgan de J. Le trésor de Dahchour: liste sommaire des bijoux de la XIIe
dynastie découverts dans la pyramide de briques de Dahchour, les 7 et 8 mars 1894.
Paris, 1895. 11 p.
14. Ossian Cl. The Egyptian Court of London’s Crystal Palace // KMT, A Modern
Journal of Ancient Egypt. 2007. Vol. 18. N 3. Р. 64–73.
15. Routledge G. & Sons. Routledge’s Guide to the Crystal Palace, The Ten Chief
Courts of the Sydenham Palace. London: G. Routledge & Co, 1854. 204 p.
16. Vever H. La bijouterie française au XIXe siècle (1800–1900). Paris: H. Floury,
1906–1908. 3 vols.
17. The Art-Journal Catalogue of the Paris Universal Exhibition. London: Virtue &
Co, 1867. Vol. VI. 115 p.
18. The Illustrated Catalogue of the Universal Exhibition, published with the Art
journal. London: Virtue & Co, 1868. 331 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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