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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 25 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

Valerii Arzumanov: Portrait of Composer Through the Prism of the Choral Art

E. K. Mnatsakanyan
Price: 50 руб.
 The article explores the choral art of the famous French-Russian composer Valerii Arzumanov in the context of his life’s journey. The author categorizes the choral works of the composer, provides the list of his works and analyzes the features of his choral
Keywords: contemporary composer, choral works, sacred music, Russian music, French music, choral concert, intonational language.
1. Arzumanov V. Nezrimyi svet vekov // Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta. 1990. № 3.
2. Volkov S. Poznavaya mir / S. Volkov. Molodye kompozitory Leningrada. L.-M.:
Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1972. 104 s.
3. Dubinets E. Otshel’nik sovetskoy muzyki // Muzykal’naya Akademiya. 2010.
№ 1. S. 122–126.
4. Rakhmanova M. Valeriy Arzumanov. Vozvrashchenie v svoyu kul’turu //
Sovetskaya muzyka. 1989. Aprel’. S. 35–38.
5. Lopushanskaya E.  Russkaya muzyka vo Frantsii (beseda s kompozitorom
Valeriem Arzumanovym) // Paris Parizh [17.08.2003]. URL: http://parij.free.fr/04-
6. Girard A. Valery Arzoumanov Compositeur hors du temps. А ciel ouvert. 2004. 168 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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