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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 23 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

At the Origins of Russian Semantics (Some Semasiological Experiments in the First Half of the 19th Century)

M. N. Priemysheva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article explores heretofore relatively unknown issues in the history of Russian semasiology. The author focuses on works and theoretical studies in the areas
of both theoretical and functional lexical semantics by A. Shishkov, A. Galich and I. Davydov, and reviews methodology of their semantic research that were ahead
of their time.
Keywords: history of Russian linguistics, the 19th century Russian, lexical
semantics, lexical meaning, semantic structure of the word, synonymy.
1. Afanas’yev E. Na puti k XIX v. Russkaya literatura 70-kh gg. XVIII — 10-kh gg.
XIX v. M.: IMLI RAN, 2002. 304 s.
2. Bulich S. K. Ocherk istorii yazykoznaniya v Rossii. T. I. (XIII–1825 g.). SPb.,
1904. 1248 s.
3. Galich A. Slovar’ russkikh sinonimov, ili soslovov. SPb., 1840. 496 s.
4. Davydov I. I. O slovare russkikh sinonim // Izvestiya Akademii nauk po Otdeleniyu
russkogo yazyka i slovesnosti. SPb., 1856. T. V. Vyp. 6. St. 290–304.
5. Davydov I. I.  Iz slovarya russkikh sinonim. // Izvestiya Akademii nauk
po Otdeleniyu russkogo yazyka i slovesnosti. SPb., 1856. T. V. Vyp. 7. St. 337–350.
6. Zvegintsev V. A. Semasiologiya. M.: MGU, 1957. 324 s.
7. Kalaydovich P. Opyt slovarya russkikh sinonimov. M., 1818. 156 s.
8. Uvarov S. Literaturnye vospominaniya // Sovremennik. 1851. Iyun’. S. 37–42.
9. Literaturnye salony i kruzhki: pervaya polovina XIX v. / pod red. N. L. Brodskogo.
M., 2001. 496 s.
10. Shishkov A. S. Rassuzhdenie o starom i novom sloge Rossiyskogo yazyka. SPb.,
1803. 437 s.
11. Shishkov A. S. Rech’ pri otkrytii Besedy // Chteniya v Besede lyubiteley russkogo
slova. Kn. 1. SPb., 1811.
Price: 50 рублей
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