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"The Scientific Opinion" №15 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016


A. E. Radeev
Price: 50 руб.
 Some basic models of understanding of aesthetic experience are analysed in the paper.
The author argues that the history of understanding of aesthetic experience depends on
the typology of forms of aesthetic experience understanding. Through some ideas of
contemporary Anglo-American aesthetics, the main models of the history of aesthetic
experience understanding are examined. Finally, the author draws conclusions on the
key issues of these models.
Key words: contemporary aesthetics, aesthetic experience, history of aesthetics,
N. Carroll, R. Shusterman.
1. Veyts M. Rol’ teorii v estetike // Amerikanskaya fiosofia iskusstva. Osnovnye kontseptsii vtoroy poloviny XX veka — antiessentsializm, pertseptualizm, institutsionalizm: antologiya / pod red. B. Dzemidoka, B. Orlova. Yekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga, 1997. S. 43–60.
2. Motroshilova N. V. Sistema RINTs primenitel’no k fiosofskim naukam // Vyssheye obrazovanie v Rossii. 2012. № 3. S. 3–17.
3. Carroll N. Aesthetic experience revisited // British Journal of Aesthetics. 2002. № 42 (2). P. 145–168.
4. Carroll N. Beyond Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays. Cambridge University Press, 2003. 451 p.
5. Iseminger G. Aesthetic experience // The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics / еd. by J. Levinson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. P. 99–116.
6. Jauss H. R. Aesthetic Experience and Literary Hermeneutics. Univ. Of Minnesota, 2008.
7. Saito Y. The Japanese Aesthetics of Imperfection and Insuffiiency // Journal of Aesthetics and Art Critisism. 1997. Vol. 55. № 4. P. 377–385.
8. Shelley J. The Concept of the Aesthetic. URL: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aesthetic-concept/ (data obrashcheniya: 01.10.2016).
9. Shusterman R.  Aesthetic experience: from analysis to Eros // Aesthetic experience / еd. by R. Shusterman, A. Tomlin. NY: Routledge, 2008. P. 79–97.
10. Shusterman R.  The End of Aesthetic Experience // Journal of Aesthetics and Art Critisism. 1997. Vol. 55. № 1. P. 29–41.
11. Thampi G. B. M.  «Rasa» as aesthetic experience // Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 1965. № 24 (1). P. 75–80.
Price: 50 рублей
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