N. V. Pavlova
Price: 50 руб.
The article considers and justifis the expediency of using sound neuro modulations during the correction process for elimination of severe speech disorders in preschool children. The article shows that it is necessary to consider the approach using oriented methods of correction as a separate neuro speech therapy direction in special education. The author proves the effiiency of using this specialised approach in early intervention under condition of differentiated valid diagnostics with detection of primary abnormalities
in the structure of concomitant defects and taking into account the functional asymmetry
of brains of preschool children, who have a dysontogenetic development trajectory. The
author also analyses the necessity of taking into consideration the modifid data of the
hardware methodology to determine the latency of the auditory evoked potentials that
is used to check up the logopedic assessment of children having clinical speech delay
and severe speech pathologies, combined with mental retardation, metabolic disorders,
problems with sensory integration and learning diffiulties.
Key words: neuro speech therapy, acoustic neuromodulation, speech areas of cerebral
cortex, severe speech disorders, alalia, speech therapy
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